Beulah 2019 highlights
A recap of an amazing year
It is hard to believe that 2019 – and the decade – has come to an end!
Another incredibly busy year at Beulah, here is a little glimpse into what we have been up to over the last 365 days:
Shortlisted for 6 awards, of which we won 5.
Projects maintaining strong momentum in their construction process, 2 of these have already topped out.
Submitted the town planning application for Southbank by Beulah consisting of 695 pages – it is one of the largest permits submitted in Victoria to date!
Our social media reached 1.2 million people.
56 media articles featuring Beulah and our projects.
Our team grew by 50% (with a 50-50 gender split).
5 community engagement events ranging from pop-up markets, wine tastings, apartment living info sessions to demolition parties.
Study tours: Visited 6 cities during 2 study tours that spanned over a total of 14 days.
6 talks and keynotes by Beulah team members.
To hear more about what we’ve been up to in 2019, please visit: