Beulah Director Adelene Teh to shine on Urbanity stage
23 – 24 October 2019
Beulah Executive Director Adelene Teh is set to take centre stage as a keynote speaker at this year’s Urbanity conference in Brisbane.
Held on 23 – 24 October, the event is Australia’s premier conference for the property and urban development industry, and features leaders and disruptors from across the Asia Pacific.
Sitting alongside Mark Damant (Director, Urbis) and Penny Fuller (Founding Partner, Silvester Fuller) on The Urban Game Changers panel, Adelene will share her thoughts and vision for Southbank by Beulah; considered to be one of Melbourne’s city-defining projects.
Reflecting on the highly successful competition run by Beulah in 2018, she will also outline the process undertaken to appoint an architect to this landmark development and the importance of transforming Australian cities for the future.
For more information The Urban Developer created event or to buy tickets to Urbanity, please visit their website.