Fawkner House August 2020
Construction update
Bringing to life this award-winning project, VCON continues to make positive progress on the construction of Fawkner House despite the introduction of Stage Four restriction earlier this month.
Rising boldly above the streetscape, the striking sculptural Fawkner House façade continues to take shape with the commencement of rendering the blockwork exteriors, and installation of windows taking place across levels one and two.
On Level Three the construction of the expansive skylights and roofing continues to take place, while to the western side of the building, works have commenced for the pedestrian access point and entry ahead of September’s concrete slab pour.
The interiors have also continued to make steady progress as VCON focuses on ceiling plastering, door installations, and wet area works on Levels One and Two, whilst mechanical and hydraulic rough-ins continue on Level Three.